Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Pride: An Introspective Examination

Sunday night at Sojourn Community Church Pastor Daniel preached on Peter's denial of Christ in Matthew 26.

He said two things that really convicted me when I examined my own life in light of this passage:

(1) Peter denied Christ because he thought he was right and (2) he thought he was strong enough.

However, the reason that Peter was eventually restored, even after he had abandoned his faith in Christ (John 21, Acts 1-2), was because of Christ's prayer for Peter (Luke 22:31-32, John 17).

Wow. There's a whole lot more of Peter's pre-denial mindset in my own life then I would like to admit...

Praise God that he is faithful even when my faith is misplaced on myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post. I felt the same way when I listened to Daniel's sermon. I was especially impacted by his comments about denying jesus with our actions. Truly convicting.