Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Artisan Roast

Whenever you hear about coffee in the UK you always hear about Square Mile and Hasbean, and sometimes Climpson & Sons and Union (and for good reason, I've had coffee from the former 3 and they're great!) . But since my roommate Seth was checking out Scotland I thought it would be worthwhile to look into what reputable roaster are in the Highlands.

Anyway Seth brought back some delicious Santa Clara Antigua Guatemala and Red Bourbon Rwanda roasted by Artisan Roast, which has cafes/roasteries in both Glasgow and Edinburgh. I've been enjoying both coffees so much I thought I would share this video i found on their Facebook.

Scottish Barista championships 2011 from Benjamin Cowie on Vimeo.

P.S. Seth was lucky enough to get a cappuccino from the barista featured in the video.

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