Saturday, November 29, 2008

Winter Reading List

Next up in my winter reading list are two Ernest Hemingway books, The Sun Also Rise, his first novel, and The Old Man and the Sea, one of his later works that also won the Pulitzer Prize.

It's hard for me to decide which one I enjoyed more. Both are equally hopeless, although The Old Man and the Sea has a true sense of beauty. In a way I think think that Hemingway meant for the reader to identify with the unnamed fisherman, who engages in a futile struggle with nature.

Now that I am an entire week out from the end of the semester, I have decided to start counter-balancing all of this nihilism and start reading some theology again. I am starting with We Become What We Worship: A Biblical Theology of Idolatry by G.K. Beale. So far I am two chapters into it and it is great. I eagerly anticipate discussing this book in depth in class with Dr. Payne next semester.

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