Sunday, February 08, 2009


My internet access was limited the rest of my week in Thailand, so unfortunately my mini-series was cut short.  Suffice it to say that Thailand was ballin'.  Pictures should be up soon.

I managed to catch the second half of the Super Bowl with some ex-pats in Thailand.  The ending broke my heart but I was proud of my team, especially Larry Fitzgerald's phenomenal performance. 

In addition to ah-mazing Thai food all week, I got some delicious sushi with my new friends Aaron and Jay.  Eel, Maki, tuna, and all the green tea I could drink- delish. 

The only souvenir I brought back was a sun burn- which I really can't complain about since I got it from swimming too much, not exactly suffering in foreign lands. 

The customs officer pulled me aside for a "random" screening in Detroit.  Evidently they found my journal interesting because they read every page.  Incidentally the same thing happened to Paul when he came back from Thailand 2 years ago. 

Anyway, I am super jet lagged but glad to be back


Within Me A Lunatic Sings said...

I hope you don't mind that I "follow" your blog or whatever. I think I may start keeping a journal in hopes that one day customs might read it.

Glad your trip was "ballin'" Catch ya later.

Bolo said...

It's a good thing officials don't read my journal when I go through airports; I wouldn't want them finding out about all the ladies you and your brothers mack on.

michael said...

I make your journal?!?