Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"Hoşçakal" by Emre Aydın

A lot of people here in Turkey really like this song. I may be one of them... not sure yet.


Julie said...

Great chorus. I forgot how much I love how Turkish brings a man's voice out. Such a fantastic language.

michael said...

Ha. If you say so J. I actually think that Turkish is a much lovelier language when spoken by women. Guys mumble and yell a lot, - but I guess that's true in any language.

Darren Jennings said...

This guy's a tool.

Julie said...

It [has to be] good bye, let [life go on] without you, I can't stop [it] and I am forgetting my emptiness.

Oh, "aşk"! That would make a good blog topic. I'd like your thoughts on that one.