Sunday, August 16, 2009

Shoe Gazing

Sufjan tickets sold out in the first couple hours, leaving me to once again imagine what it must be like to see him in person while listening to his records alone in my room.

In further depressing news Liverpool dropped their Barclay's Premiership season opener against Tottenham 2-1. Bullocks.

Somehow I managed to spend 300 dollars on textbooks yesterday... with many more still to buy. Man, who thought being a grad student would be so expensive?

Four jobs applied for this week with two more on the schedule for tomorrow. Class starts Tuesday with reading due on the first day.


laceylou said...

job hunting sucks.

i'm so glad you love mr. berry. :)

Bolo said...

See? I don't even give myself the option of suffering the expenses of graduate school. With gray hairs comes wisdom ;)